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We are ISO14001 accredited!

Posted 23 February 2024

Joint Operations are committed to reducing the environmental impact within our supply chain. By engaging with our stakeholders and partners, we are actively working toward UK Government targets to halve our emissions by 2030 and be Net Zero by 2050.

As part of this journey, we are ISO14001 accredited; this will help focus Joint Operations towards achieving our targets and challenge us to focus on key parts of our Supply Chain to work more environmentally, without impacting our levels of Customer service and support.

We also commit to report our Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions annually and follow our Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) to track our progress to meet these targets. Additionally, we have joined the SME Climate Hub, along with hundreds of other businesses, and are reporting our impact here.

For us to do this successfully, we have a launched an internal Green Team, made up of environmental champions from each department. The Green Team is working to track our progress, improve our direct actions and indirect involvement to reduce the environmental impact across our whole supply chain.

ISO 14001 focuses on controlling an organisation’s environmental aspects and how company activities, products, and services interact with the environment.

Organisations set out their intentions, adhere to procedures and record their efforts to demonstrate compliance and improvement. Objectives set must be implemented to improve an organisation’s environmental performance.

The fundamental commitments required in ISO 14001 help drive improvements in overall performance: an environmental policy, prevention of pollution, compliance with legislation, and improvement of the EMS.

Organisations are required to identify applicable legal, statutory and related requirements. It is essential to determine how the legislation affects you so that compliance measures can be adopted and periodically evaluated, ensuring employees understand and implement requirements effectively.

ISO 14001 is accompanied by ISO 14004, Environmental Management systems – General Guidelines on principles, systems and support techniques. This standard covers issues such as establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving a management system and discusses the principal issues involved.